One of the most significant features of Planist, as a free appointment scheduling tool, is the ability to share your free time based on your added calendars.
After defining various events types on your needs, you can share the link with others so that your contacts can set the most appropriate time to offer an appointment with you without direct access to the charges registered in your calendar.
This feature is an entirely win-win game. Because neither you waste your time scheduling appointments or your contacts waiting for you to that.

Where is the dedicated link for my events, and how can I access it?

For each type of event that you define in Planist and attach to one of your calendars, you have a dedicated link created based on your registration name in Planist and the name of the event, and of course, you can change its name.

This link allows you to send it to the people you want basing on the meeting you wish to hold. Whether your meeting runs online, E.g., on Google Meet or in-person meetings, depends on your definition at the time of the event.

To find the link to the event you want, you can quickly go to the events page and copy that event’s link according to the image guide below.

Where is the dedicated link for my events, and how can I access it?

For each type of event that you define in Planist and attach to one of your calendars, you have a dedicated link created based on your registration name in Planist and the name of the event, and of course, you can change its name.

This link allows you to send it to the people you want to be based on the meeting you wish to hold. Whether your meeting runs online, E.g., on Google Meet or in-person meetings, depends on your definition at the time of the event.

To find the link to the event you want, you can quickly go to the events page and copy that event’s link according to the video guide below.

When should I send my event link to others?

Whenever someone contacts you and asks for a convenient time for a meeting, you can take advantage of this and send them your event link instead of wasting your time finding the right time. So that requester can easily choose the time he wants, which is also in line with your plans, and record their appointment.

One of the most common ways to share this link can be via email. For example, suppose one of your clients sends you an email asking you to schedule an appointment.

You can send the desired event link in response to the received email so that in less than a minute, after receiving the email, the desired session will be set by the recipient and recorded in your calendar. That’s it.

You can use the unique link of your events not only in email but in any other space you need. Social networks, Twitter, Instagram, websites, and any other media can share your unique event link.

For example, you can write at the bottom of your email signature that:

Planist can remind you of the value of time and easily choose the time to meet with me.

This is an attractive and straightforward sentence. You can be inspired by it and make more attractive and audience-friendly sentences for yourself.

Schedule your meetings with Planist in the fastest time and with the least amount of work

If you are looking to plan and coordinate your work sessions, Planist offers you a convenient and accessible option.

You can attach all your calendars to the planner without any number limit. Define an event type with specific rules and share the link via email, website, or social media.

You can quickly and with a few clicks automate the process of arranging your appointments. Unlike other software that forces you to buy subscriptions and free plans with your own restrictions, enjoy scheduling your meetings with the planner without any limits.

Get started easily

If you are not a member of the Planist site, create your account today. Then, use the resources and tips on the site. From today, you can increase the speed of scheduling your business and social meetings and prevent wasting your time.

Time is your most valuable asset. We will help you to spend this valuable asset properly.

Also, read this good article to understand more about the importance of time.

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